How to Backup WordPress site (With & Without Plugin)

In this tutorial, you will learn How to backup WordPress site, both with and without plugin. Simple and easy to follow guide to backup WordPress website.

Published on: June 2, 2023

How to Backup WordPress site (With & Without Plugin)

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Backing up your WordPress site is essential to protect your valuable data and prepare for any unforeseen circumstances.

In this ultimate guide, I’ll show you how to backup your WordPress site using two different methods: the widely-used “WP All in One Migration” plugin and a detailed manual backup process.

Whether you prefer the convenience of a plugin or want to have complete control over the backup process, this tutorial has you covered. Let’s dive in!

Section 1: Backup Your WordPress Site with WP All in One Migration Plugin

Step 1: WP All in One Migration:

WP All in One Migration is a popular plugin that simplifies the backup and migration process for WordPress sites. Let’s try to back up with that.

Install and activate the “WP All in One Migration” plugin from the WordPress dashboard by going to “Plugins” > “Add New” and searching for the plugin.

All-In-One Wp Migration Plugin

Step 2: Exporting Your WordPress Site:

Access the “All-in-One WP Migration” menu in the WordPress dashboard.

Click on the “Export” option to initiate the export process.

Choose the desired export method, such as “File,” “URL,” or a cloud storage option like Dropbox, Google Drive, or FTP.

Export as File in Wp All in One Migration Plugin

Select the appropriate file format for the backup.

Start the export process by clicking on the “Export” button and wait for the backup file to be generated.

Exporting the Backup File in All in One Wp Migration Plugin

Step 3: Downloading the Backup File:

Once the export process is complete, you will be provided with a download link.

Click on the download link to save the backup file (usually a .wpress file) to your local computer.

Exported Wpress File The WordPress Backup File

It’s crucial to store the backup file in a secure location for future use.

Step 4: Importing the Backup File:

To restore or migrate your WordPress site using the backup file, you need a fresh WordPress installation on the destination server or a local environment.

Install and activate the “WP All in One Migration” plugin on the new WordPress installation.

Access the “All-in-One WP Migration” menu and select the “Import” option.

Import File in Wp Migration Plugin

Notice that the upload limit is just 40mb. Assuming you have a new site, the upload size would be much lesser than that. But if the size is more than that. You can download the Unofficial Migration plugin from GitHub here:

Choose the import method, such as “File,” and upload the backup file you downloaded earlier.

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the import process, which will restore your WordPress site to the state it was when the backup was created.

Section 2: Manual Backup Process

Step 1: Backing Up Your WordPress Files:

Connect to your WordPress site’s server using an FTP client or File Manager. Navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation. you will see a list of files like this:

File Manager List of Files in Server

Select all the files and directories, right-click, and choose the option to download, zip, or transfer them to your local computer.

Compress WordPress Files on Server

Compress Selected Files on Server

File name ending with .ZIP

Store the backup files in a secure location.

Step 2: Exporting Your WordPress Database:

Access your website’s database using a tool like phpMyAdmin (usually available in your hosting control panel). The image below is the screenshot of my localhost. I didn’t post my servers PHP-My-Admin for you know “Security Reasons”.

PHP My Admin in Server

Select the WordPress database from the list of databases.

Choose the “Export” option to start the database export process.

Export SQL Database

Select the appropriate export method (e.g., Quick or Custom) and export the database as an SQL file.

Download the exported database SQL file to your local computer.

Step 3: Storing and Verifying the Backup:

Create a dedicated folder on your local computer to store the backup files.

Move the downloaded WordPress files and the exported database SQL file to the backup folder.

Consider encrypting the folder or use secure cloud storage or an external hard drive to store the backup files.

Verify the backup’s functionality by restoring it on a local or staging environment. Install a fresh WordPress installation, upload the backup files to the appropriate locations, and import the database using phpMyAdmin or a similar tool.

Test the website to ensure all data, themes, plugins, and settings are intact.

Section 3: Best Practices and Additional Considerations

Step 1: Backup Frequency:

Determine the optimal backup frequency based on your website’s activity level and content updates.

Establish a regular backup schedule to ensure your backups are up to date.

Step 2: Off-Site Storage:

Consider storing backups in an off-site location for added security.

Explore options like cloud storage or remote servers to safeguard your backups.

Step 3: Testing the Backup:

Periodically test the backup restoration process to ensure your backups are viable and functional.

Set up a staging environment where you can restore the backup and verify its integrity.

Final Note.

In this step by step guide, we’ve explored two methods for backing up your WordPress site: using the popular “WP All in One Migration” plugin and following a detailed manual backup process.

Choose the method that best suits your needs and establish a regular backup routine to ensure the safety and security of your WordPress site.

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